Sunday, March 15, 2009

"This American Life" (2008)--3/5

I checked out "This American Life" from the Upper Arlington Public Library. In this picture, the guy on the right is recruiting the drifter on the left to pose in a painting of the crucifixion (not as Jesus; he's already got a good Jesus). In Salt Lake City, it's hard to find people with beards. The artist only works with real beards. Check out the shirt.


eviltwinn24 said...

oh, that's awesome.

I'm on the waiting list for that at UAPL. So it's pretty good?

Stephen said...

Oh yeah, I guess I didn't say anything opinionated. It translates well to the small screen. The stories are funny, sad, weird.

The affected Ira Glass still bothers me. Call me crazy, but I think you should have a good speaking voice in order to be on the radio.